About Us


YL-SHOP is a supplier focused on providing 1:1 luxury replicas, dedicated to offering high-quality 1:1 replicas for the global market. We have our own manufacturing factories for replica bags. Our goal is to build the world’s largest luxury replica supply chain.

YL-SHOP upholds the principle of integrity and is committed to never deceiving our customers. Every product is rigorously inspected by hand to ensure quality assurance. Before shipment, we confirm each order with customers through detailed videos and images to ensure it meets their expectations. As a result, we have earned the trust and support of over 200,000 loyal customers.

YL-SHOP mission is to focus on the precise replication of luxury goods, striving for the perfect reproduction of every detail. We meticulously select top-quality materials that are identical to those used by the original manufacturers, ensuring exquisite craftsmanship and the creation of flawless 1:1 replicas. Through exceptional craftsmanship and precise duplication, we offer you the opportunity to experience luxury brands at a more affordable price, staying at the forefront of fashion.